Rolling Plains Logo

About Us

People helping People

The policy of this corporation shall be to strive for the elimination of poverty by opening to everyone the opportunity for education and training, the opportunity to work, the opportunity to live in decency and dignity.

End Poverty
Increase Literacy
Provide Childcare
Home Rehabilitation
Utility Assistance
Veterans Programs
Rolling Plains Logo

About Us

With the assistance of federal, state, and local funds from Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Administration for Children and Families, Texas Workforce Solutions, as well as other funding sources, Rolling Plains provides transportation, utility and rental assistance, weatherization and home rehabilitation, Head Start, Early Head Start, childcare services and case management. Through these services, Rolling Plains seeks to provide opportunities for all individuals to achieve their full and economic potential.

How We Are Funded

With the assistance of federal, state, and local funds from Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Administration for Children and Families, Texas Workforce Solutions, as well as other funding sources, Rolling Plains provides transportation, utility and rental assistance, weatherization and home rehabilitation, Head Start, Early Head Start, childcare services and case management. Through these services, Rolling Plains seeks to provide opportunities for all individuals to achieve their full and economic potential.

Our History

Rolling Plains Management Corporation (RPMC) of Baylor, Cottle, Foard, Hardeman and Wilbarger Counties  was formed in 1965 to provide services to low-income individuals as Economic Opportunities Advancement Corporation of Cottle, Foard, Hardeman and Wilbarger Counties.

RPMC has been providing Head Start services in Baylor, Cottle, Foard, Hardeman, and Wilbarger Counties since 1965.


Since 1980, RPMC has operated a rural public transportation system known as SHARP Lines Rural Public Transportation. SHARP Lines currently services residents in these counties

RPMC has provided Community Services (through the Community Services Block Grant), Energy Assistance, and Weatherization services in Baylor, Cottle, Foard, Hardeman, Wilbarger, and Young Counties since the early 1980s.

Name Change

The name changed in 1986 when Baylor County was designated as RPCM’s service area and was provided equal seating on the Board of Directors.

RPMC’s Early Child Development

RPMC’s Early Child Development services has also included the contract to provide Child Care Management Services in Archer, Baylor, Clay, Cottle, Foard, Hardeman, Jack, Montague, Wichita, Wilbarger and Young Counties since 1990.

Head Start

In 1992, RPMC was designated as the agency to provide Head Start service in the underserved counties of Archer, Knox and Young.

Expanded to Multiple Counties

In 1999, the Community Services and Energy Assistance programs expanded to Archer, Clay, Jack, Montague, Wichita and Young Counties.

Weatherization program

In 2010, through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Weatherization program expanded once again to include Brown, Callahan, Comanche, Eastland, Haskell, Jones, Kent, Knox, Shackelford, Stephens, Stonewall, Taylor, and Throckmorton Counties – totaling twenty-five counties.

Community Services and Energy Assistance

In 2011, the Community Services and Energy Assistance program expanded once more to provide assistance to the residents in Shackelford, Stephens, and Taylor counties.

Head Start Program

The Head Start program continued to expand in 2015, when the Early Head Start program began in Archer, Cottle, Foard, Hardeman, Wilbarger, and Young Counties.

Day Care

In addition to the Head Start and Early Head Start programs, RPMC expanded the Day Care, which previously covered Hardeman County, into Foard County in 2014 and Cottle and Young Counties in 2016.

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